Disaster Recovery Planning
A disaster recovery plan is a documented, structured approach that describes how an organisation can quickly resume to function after an unplanned incident. A disaster recovery plan is an essential part of a business continuity plan. It is applied to the aspects of an organisation that depend on a functioning IT infrastructure. A disaster recovery plan aims to help an organisation resolve data loss and recover system functionality so that it can perform in the aftermath of an incident.
A good business needs to ensure it has planned contingencies for disaster eventualities. It’s common to think that a disaster will ‘never happen to us’ and hopefully it never will, but there is nothing more valuable in that situation than a tried and tested plan which can be quickly executed. Liit can work with your business to create, test and update a disaster recovery plan to ensure the critical systems and access by it’s users have contingencies in the event of a disaster. The plan should be reviewed at least every 6 months and tested annually to ensure it is still up to date and relevant.
Contact us today to arrange your disaster recovery plan